Monday, February 21, 2011


Here we are almost past February...and still snow on the streets and piled high on front lawns. Bitter cold..but the sun is shining..and while I look forward to Spring, I admit to being a confirmed Montreal -Winter lover!!
OK..easy for me to say..since I don't venture out EVEN if the temp is 80degrees and the sun is high!!
Well..not that bad ...but I am a slave to the computer  (and the telly in the long winter days)
Been somewhat reclusive all my my home..never bored...and not a great 'joiner'!
All that is true, yet I ran a gallery for many years...held gallery openings every month and mingled..well actually, I liked putting two people together and walking on. Not great at small talk.
Very great at long to one!!

1 comment:

  1. Whole lotta snow - you should post some of your recent backyard and skaters pics - great stuff...
