Friday, February 25, 2011

JOY MOOS DESIGNS/Ethnic Inspired Jewellry

JOY MOOS DESIGNS/ Ethnic Inspired Jewellry
Welcome to my Ethnic Inspired Jewellry Collection…featuring one -of -a- kind hand made necklaces.
All the jewellry has been designed and made by me.

As an art dealer  ( for 40 years), I have experienced the excitement of discovery…whether it be in viewing a painting or a selection of magnificent beads.

So come along with me…and visit the countries where these gems have travelled on their journey to me. They have arrived on my doorstep from such far away lands as Afghanistan, Turkey, Africa, Nepal, Greece and Thailand.

View the collection and see how the beads, stones and pendants mix and compliment each other…
and how they become the creations that I present for your pleasure.
You will discover their beauty and treasure the uniqueness of each individual design.

Since these necklaces are personally designed, please feel free to contact me if you desire something “ just for you”. I will always try to oblige.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the image across the top of your page. Kudos for constructing this blog - and creating a collection of awesome and unique necklaces!

    Love and Best Wishes,

    Howard xx

  3. Hi everyone.... It has been a long few months since I have written anything on this blog. Last December I was diagnosed with breast Cancer and began chemo with herceptin immediately. I am fortunate it did not spread..and other than experiencing great fatigue....I did
    very well. Had a lumpectomy in July and that too went well. I am now taking radiation for 25 sessions ( even tho the Drs. say I am 'cancer free' ) there is my current medical history...more or less.
    I am blessed with wonderful children and family....who have taken unbelievable care of me...their love and devotion has been my strength. Not to mention my two four legged 'guys'( Maxi & Toffe)
    who keep me laughing and up and out daily!
    I have continued to design necklaces and bracelets....and will be listing some of the newer pieces on this stay tuned and if you see something you leave a comment or just say 'hello'!

  4. No mention of Joon? :o! Love you (in spite of overlooking your favorite horse/dog. H xx

  5. Cousin Joon ( otherwise known as 'the brown dog') has been a full-time visitor along with her human friend and master, Howard. She has literally taken over my bed and makes a cover 'hut' to sleep under....and then she sprawls out. Maxi finds a small spot to curl up on and snores happily until my foot gives him the little push to be quiet.....Toffe, bless him, sleeps as a 'proper dog' on his bed..or beds on the floor! He goes from one to the other during the for me..I hug the edge of one side of the bed, until the morning licking and wagging starts!!

  6. Have decide to cancel Friday. Yep. Having a perfect 'day off' jewellry making, no email answering..
    no going out ( just had the car washed..need it to rest in the garage for a day!)

    With great restraint I am not even opening the three new packages of beads that arrived today!
    Think it is about time I devoted myself to this blog...and join the ranks of bloggers inc. all over the world!

    So get, pictures, ideas, recipes and whatever may be rattling about in my will all be coming to share and comment on and hopefully receive the same back!

    Joyeria is going to be OPEN FOR BUSINESS.

  7. Dear Joyeria,
    I miss your blogging.
    Time for an update!
    Your #1 fan (along with my sister),
